“L.A.’s First and Only Private Tour of Famous Filming Location Spots!”

West Valley Tour
Iconic locations west of The 405
$350 per car
Classic locations meet modern hits in this tour of movie filming locations in valley cities ranging from Sherman Oaks to Woodland Hills.
Featuring the films:
Boogie Nights - Donut Shop
Clueless - Cher's House
E.T. - The Extra-Terrestrial - Bike Flight Intersection
E.T. - The Extra-Terrestrial - Caterpillar Park
Fast Times at Ridgemont High -
Brad & Stacy Hamilton's House
Fast Times at Ridgemont High -
The Point (dugout scene)
La Bamba - Cowboy Palace
Poltergeist - The Freeling House
Pulp Fiction - Pawn Shop
Punch Drunk Love - Barry's Office
Superbad - Evan's House
Superbad - Party House
Superbad - Parking Lot Where They Torch a Cop Car
The 40-Year Old Virgin -
Smart Tech/The We Sell Your Stuff on EBay Store
The Bad News Bears - Baseball Field
The Karate Kid - Ali's House
The Karate Kid - All Valley Karate Tournament
The Karate Kid - Daniel LaRusso's Apartment Building
The Lost World: Jurassic Park - 76 Gas Station
Wayne's World - Garth's House/Wayne's House
And television shows:
Chuck - Buy More Electronics
Cobra Kai - Johnny Lawrence's Apartment Building
Silicon Valley - Erlich's House
Restaurants & bars (good for starting or finishing your trip):
Drive - Nino's Pizzeria
Drive - The Great Wall Restaurant
The 40-Year Old Virgin - Japanese Restaurant
Schools (best on the weekend):
Hughes Learning Center -
A Nightmare on Elm St., Part II: Freddy's Revenge,
and The Karate Kid
Taft High School -
Crazy Stupid Love, Mask, The Amazing Spider-Man,
The Boy in the Plastic Bubble, and The Brady Bunch Movie